First off...there's a great deal of copy and information here to digest, so you may want to print it out or bookmark this page so you can refer to it later.  If you're even considering using video on your site you'll be glad you read this. Video is a business tool. No doubt about it.  It educates, promotes, entertains and even motivates!  It markets products.  It's also a resource to use when you have a very complicated process or system and you want to explain it to the masses.  People learn more through watching and seeing video opposed to reading.

Today more and more companies are using video online.  Building relationships in business is essential.  We all know this.  It's the goal of every business owner and sales manager working today.  Can video help build relationships and engage new visitors to your website?

The answer...YES                                                                  

Here's a statistic that might open your eyes.

Thomson-Reuters did a study and found out that consumers visit 4.8 law firm websites on average when searching for an attorney, that number is reduced to 1.8 if they find a firm that has video on their site!

Astounding?  Maybe not...

People search for businesses everyday.  In searching for a company they want to do business with, they skim through websites looking for anything that comes across as appealing.  Who can they trust?  Who's an expert in their field?  What can they offer me?  The fact is that these decisions are made sub-consciously in just a matter of seconds.  Marketing researchers say that most visitors take 8 seconds or less to decide whether to stick around or leave for another site.  8 seconds!

So...when a prospect comes across your site....OR....maybe your competitors, and they are welcomed by a video that introduces them to your product or service.....what type of impression do you think that will make?  If the video is professionally produced - a good impression!

It's that initial introduction that breaks through the static.  Quite simply...

Video breaks through

an invisible wall on the web.

A successful Orlando marketing video (one that brings you leads and inquiries, and increased page views) needs to follow the PCIC Formula.

Persuade -  A professionally produced video is going to speak volumes about your reputation...and be persuasive!  Do you really want something that's poorly lit, is unsteady, and the audio is inferior?  The answer to that is simple.  No.  Persuade and influence visitors that visit your website with a professionally produced video.  It's a must.

Connect - Connecting with someone that's watching your video is simple but there are a few things that are key.  In delivering your message think about talking to just one person...a friend that you're trying to help.  After all you know that you are your own brand!  It's not your logo, or your business card.  It's how you and your company personify your organization.  Friendly body language is important for one thing. So smile, relax and deliver your message with enthusiasm and confidence.  Make sure that you're well-rested before your taping session.

Instruct -  Your video needs to instruct and inform your should be educational.  Provide useful information that your visitors can benefit from!  Showing or demonstrating a service in the form of a tip is another good idea.  If you can devise your message and instruct in the form of a story....that's even stronger!  What it boils down to is that you're sharing your EXPERTISE with your prospect and in doing so you're establishing credibility.

Call to Act - You've projected your company's image in a strong manner, you've dispensed useful information...what's next?  You need a call to action.  Let that visitor know how to contact you.  Provide incentive to call now.

I read a blog not too long ago that talked about "marketing intimacy" made a huge impression on me.  Web Video Marketing accomplishes just long as you're following the PCIC Formula.  By implementing video you're reaching out to your visitor and sharing a part of yourself.  You're establishing credibility and trust by welcoming that prospect and letting them know that you're a real person and that your company is confident about the products and services that they offer.

Finally, let me share some information with you from Randy Van Ittersum.  Randy writes about Internet Marketing Strategies in order to show businesses how to make money online.  His clients include the Department of Defense, Department of State, Fortune 500 companies and several hundred small businesses.  Randy states that typically, only ½ to 2% of visitors to your website will purchase your product if your website is text only. If you add sales-orientated videos to your site, of the people viewing them....over half will take some sort of action, and 12% will actually purchase the product offered!

If you have any questions or you'd like to contact us concerning an upcoming project we'd love to hear from you.